Unlimited....Thats what i signed up for, unlimited texting and....AND unlimited data. On my cell phone plan i have multiple phones, multiple users and I didn't want to be one of those people who end up on Dr. Phil with a $5600 cell phone bill saying "I don't know how this happened??"
I have an iphone, Iphone 4 to be exact, thank you very much. I'm not a fancy boy by any means, well....maybe I am, but anyways...but this is my 3rd such phone, and i love them more and more...I started with the 2G, then 3Gs, and now 4. Just a little history lesson for you.
One day, I come home from work and I'm informed by "the accountant" that the new paperless cell phone bill arrived in my inbox. OK, that's good. IN ADDITION to that nugget of information, I'm also asked "do you know how many text messages you sent last month??" Oh boy, here we go again, pack the bags, we're going on a guilt trip. No, I sure don't, but I bet you do is my reply. "Yes, I do", I'm told, "do you want to know??" Not really I say. Well, guess what, I get to find out anyway. Before I am allowed to know, I ask, "did my texting make the bill go up?", it didn't by the way, you see, I'm UNLIMITED!!
15,000 + text messages....now my first impulse is no fucking way... I couldn't have. But, then after I think about it, it sending and RECEIVING, I come to the conclusion that its totally possible. In addition to the sheer number of texts, I was informed that if i was awake for 18 hours a day, that would equal to 1 text message every 2 minutes....Can I break that down for you please?? Thank you...that's means I would be awake for 18 hours, asleep for 6.....this is where it starts to break down....because I usually only sleep for 5 HOURS~~~ HA!! So if you RE-Do the math, its really not that bad...and then I think, I really need to up my game...
So the real question is this, why do I even need to know this information?? It has no impact on my life, well, I mean financially it doesn't, since I'm unlimited. And so now its like only one text sent or received every 2 minutes, even less impressive...sorta embarrassing.
They say, the experts that is, the first step is to admit you have a problem. I could justify my texting by saying that I'm just trying to get the most out of my money....take advantage of my UNLIMITED plan. Or maybe, maybe someone hacked my Iphone, and hijacked it and sent free texts...FREE on my phone....nah, nice try tho...or maybe someone sneaks into my house, tip-toes to the bedroom in the 5 or so hours I sleep at night, sneaks back OUT with my phone, and makes crazy unlimited texts from my phone, my actual phone, while I soundly sleep, dreaming of sugar plumbs and all that shit....now I feel violated!! But but, we all know that's not the case either. Here's the thing, most people don't like to admit when they have a problem, but not me, Ill admit when I have a problem, its not easy, but hey, I'll still do it....so here goes.... Hi, my name is Kevin, (you all say HI KEVIN) and I have a problem. Want to know what my problem is?? I sent/received 15,000 + texts last month, and after I break it down, its not cool, its actually embarrassing....EMBARRASSINGLY LOW!!!
OMFG! dying!!!! This was hilarious!!!!!